Changing NU-SHIP Coverage Mid Year
Only as a result of a “qualifying life event” in the middle of the academic year, you can:
- enroll in NU-SHIP coverage
- enroll a dependent in NU-SHIP coverage
- waive your current NU-SHIP coverage, or
- terminate a dependent’s NU-SHIP coverage
Specific circumstances that may qualify for a change in your insurance enrollment in the middle of the plan year include:
- loss of existing health insurance coverage (e.g., aging off parents' plan; parent/spouse terminating a job)
- addition or loss of health insurance coverage as a result of a change in employment
- change in coverage as a result of marriage/divorce
- need to add dependent coverage due to the birth/adoption of a child
- recent immigration of a dependent spouse/partner or children
*Please note: You must submit a Petition to Add or Cancel the NU-SHIP within 31 days of the life-changing event or circumstance noted above.
How Can I Add NU-SHIP Coverage Mid Year?
- Complete the 2024-25 Petition to Add the NU-SHIP Form.
- Submit appropriate supporting documentation (e.g., proof of termination on previous insurance with the date clearly noted).
- Please note that since the NU-SHIP coverage periods align with the academic calendar we can only process your enrollment in the quarter in which the qualifying life event takes place. We do not have the capability to adjust the coverage start date to align with your exact loss of coverage date.
How Do I Terminate NU-SHIP Coverage Mid-Year?
- Complete the 2024-25 Petition to Cancel the NU-SHIP Form.
- Submit appropriate supporting documentation (e.g., proof of new insurance coverage with the start date clearly noted). Please note: to terminate NU-SHIP coverage, alternate insurance plans must meet 台湾裸聊直播's comparable coverage requirements..
Please note that since the NU-SHIP coverage periods align with the academic calendar we can only process your cancellation at the end of the quarter in which the qualifying life event takes place. Once we process the cancellation an adjustment will be posted to your student account for the remaining quarter(s) premium.