Reporting Obligations
All University employees (including student employees) and graduate students with teaching or supervisory authority are required to report all allegations of sexual misconduct (including sexual assault, sexual exploitation, dating violence, domestic violence, stalking, and sexual harassment), discrimination based on a protected category, and harassment based on a protected category of which they become aware in the scope of the work for the University to the Office of Civil Rights and Title IX Compliance unless they are identified as a confidential employee in the Policy on Reporting by University Employees of Disclosures Related to Discrimination and Harassment. Failure to fulfill this reporting obligation will be referred to the appropriate office for corrective action. Note that the reporting obligation does not require a person experiencing harm to report the incident.
Individuals may use the form at the Office of Civil Rights and Title IX Compliance to .
Individuals may use the form at the Office of Civil Rights and Title IX Compliance to
After a report is made
The Office of Civil Rights and Title IX Compliance will contact and provide support, resources, and information to the person who may have experienced misconduct. Those receiving outreach can choose whether or not to engage with the Office of Civil Rights and Title IX Compliance. They may request supportive measures even if they do not choose to participate in the University’s complaint resolution process.